Tuesday 7 July 2015

Target audience research


How old are you? 
12- 14 5
15-17 10
18-25 7
26+ 3

What gender are you? 
Male- 10 
Female- 15 

What genre of music do you prefer?
Pop 9
Hip hop 2
Dance 8
Indie 4
Rap 2
Rock 1
Metal 0
Classical 0

Where do you buy/ download/ listen to your music? 
Youtube 6
ITunes 10
Spotify 4
8tracks 1
Vevo 2
Apple Music 1
Other 1

What age group do you think listens to the pop/ dance genre of music? 
12- 14 7

15-17  10
18-25 6
26+ 2

Would you listen to artists/ groups such as Fifth Harmony, Beyonce, Little Mix or Ke$ha? 
Yes 19
No 6

This feedback shows that the main age most common age who we gave are Questionnaire too was ages 15-17 and they were mostly female his means that the majority of our results were completed by this age group. The most two popular genres were Pop and Dance. The least two favourite genres were classical and metal this has shown us that our target audience dose not like this style at music at all. When it came to where their downloaded their music from we found that they mainly download it from YouTube or Spotify this means then we come to marketing our music video these are the distribution companies that we would defiantly consider premiering it on one of these as this is where our target audience mainly goes. Our target audience said that they think that the main two ages that would listen to pop/dance music videos would be 12-14 and 15-17 which is the main age group which we are trying to target. Finally most of the people we asked said that they would listen to Fifth Harmony, Beyonce, Little Mix, Ke$ha which is the type of artist that will be inspiring our music video.

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