Wednesday 8 July 2015

Analysis of students work

My Partner Georgina and i worked on this prezi and the analysis together on her prezi account.

This is an analysis of Real students work that we looked at which were similar to our chosen genre. Looking at other students work really helped us to understand how the quality of camera that we have is going to look when we are going to new filming as we do not have access to professional cameras so we need to make sure that our ideas and visions are realistic. One major thing that we noticed when we looking at the student videos was when they were lip syncing and it was out of sync how unprofessional this made the video look. My favourite Video was Beyonce run the world this is because i think that used amazing use of the mise en scene by finding different locations. This would also be someone we could do as we do not have the resources like the creators of the let me think about it music video. I also liked this video as it is similar to ours in the fact that they use a lot of dancing and this one thing that I really liked about it. They also use a range of different editing techniques which made it unique and interesting. one thing that i would change for my video would be not to repeat everything as many times as this can make it boring for the viewer to watch.

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