Thursday 24 September 2015

Album Title

This is our research for our album title ideas. When looking at the names for our album we wanted to only use one word that had a lot of meaning to it and something that would have a message to our target audience. We used the name of the song we are doing as one of the options as this is a common stereotype used by many artists they name there album after on of there main hits from the album as this is a word that the public will hear when promotion the album and the single so they are unlikely to forget it. We also choose words with similar meaning to the word confident. unique and special as this is what I want me audience to feel when they listen to the album. We decided to use the word Confident as this is very straight forward and the meaning is very specific so the audience will no exactly what it means so it will have a bigger emphasis. This also has a link with one of the words in the song that we are creating our music video to.

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