Friday 11 December 2015

Digi Pack- Back album cover

When Workings on the Back of our album cover there was a few more things that we needed to include for example the barcode and the record label logo. This is a convention of a digi pack and appears on the majority digi pack. we also included some fine print about who was involved in the album and about the record label just like a draft suggests. However when creating our draft at first we did not want to include a image on the back of our album cover hover when working on it we found an effect on Photoshop that we really like and we thought would be effective on the back of our album cover. we used the same image as the one on our tour poster and used an effective to change it into a silhouette. We also used our font that we found in our font research and created how we wanted to space out our song titles. however when we put it on to the back album cover we wanted to make the text of the songs white to fit in with the red white and blue theme of our digi pack.

Digi Pack- album cover progress

This is the Photo that we wanted to use for the front of our album. We chose this picture because we liked how the picture included the name of what we wanted to call our album. we also like how the were all wearing similar black clothing which we felt would stand out on the album cover.

We then used Photoshop to remove the background from the picture which means that it would be transferred onto a background of our choice. We also liked there makeup in this photo as it stands out.

This is when we put it onto a new background we experimented with the colour of the background. We also used our font research to see which font looked the  best. As part of our progress we experiment with the sizes of text and the picture.

Digi Pack- Magazine advert for a album and tour progress

This is the image that we choose for our tour poster. We really like this image due to the high quality, the angle of the image and also the lighting. We also liked this image because we liked the groups facial expressions as they are strong and look confident and that's what we are trying to portray to our target audience. We also like there clothing and we think it represents them as individuals.

We then cut that photo out using Photoshop. On Photoshop we used a magic wand tool and also background eraser tool. We did this so it could be transferred on to our tour poster.

We put the cut out image onto a red background as this is the colour background that we wanted. We then used our font research to try different fonts to see what they looked like with the image and also on a red background. When creating this we followed the draft we had made closet and we only had to change a few things such as the size of the image and some of the text.

Digi Pack- Photo options

On the day of our filming we also did a photo shoot so we could get some pictures to put onto our digi pack of the whole group together we take a variety of shots with different backgrounds, lighting and costumes. This meant that we would have more of a variety to choose from and we could pick the best one. We think that these photos represent our group well and are suitable for our target audience.

Digi pack- Font Ideas


This is some of the ideas that we looked at when looking at the different fonts that will go on the back of our album. This will be the font that all the song titles will be in. They will be lined up going down the centre of the album we are also going to have all the song titles in the same font.

This is the font options that we look at when choosing the font for our groups name. We liked the bold titles and the ones that look sharp and however we didn't like the one that looks like handwriting as we did not think that  his represented our group.

On the front of our album cover we wanted to have each members of our groups signature. We managed to find a website where we could create our on signatures and this picture shows some of our favourite signature for each member. We wanted them to look realistic and also girly.